303 Fabric Guard keeps outdoor fabrics fresh, soft, colorful, and breathable all while adding a powerful coating to repel water and prevent the most serious of stains. 303 Fabric Guard is the only product recommended by and for Sunbrella®, as well as other fabric manufacturers to restore lost water repellency to fabrics. Use it to keep your outdoor pillows cushions and rugs clean and blemish-free.
Use only on newly, cleaned, dry fabrics. For best results, treat fabrics in warm weather, of at least 70 degrees or warmer. In a well-ventilated area, spray 303 Fabric Guard on fabric until damp, overlapping in a crisscross pattern. Do not saturate. Let dry for 6-12 hours in a clean, dry environment before using or storing. Product liquid and spray are flammable, keep product and treated article (until dry) away from heat, sparks, or open flames.
1FG100 – 303 Fabric Guard #30606 – 32-oz Trigger Sprayer
1FG200 – 303 Fabric Guard #30607 – 1- gal Refill
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