

You can order your awning or parts direct from our Customer Service department, or from any of our authorized Zip Dee Dealers. Just call our Customer Service department at 800-338-BEST (2378). No automated voicemail at Zip Dee, our phones are answered in person. Be sure to have the year, make, and model of your RV ready for faster service.

You can order Zip Dee Fold-Away Chairs at our online store here.

To find an authorized Zip Dee Dealer please search for your state below, or on the menu, to see our online list of Authorized Zip Dee Dealers. Not finding what you are looking for? You can call our Customer Service department at 800-338-BEST (2378).
Are you in the RV Industry and want to become a Zip Dee Dealer? Send us a form.

To find an authorized Zip Dee Dealer please search here or on the menu, to see our online list of Authorized Zip Dee Dealers. Not finding what you are looking for? You can call our Customer Service department at 800-338-BEST (2378).

Awnings By Zip Dee
96 Crossen Ave
Elk Grove Village IL 60007

Telephone: (847) 437-0980
Toll-Free: (800) 338-2378
FAX: 847-437-7064
